The Palos Verdes/South Bay Alumni Chapter was established on October 18th, 1964 with the purpose to continue the aim of Mu Phi Epsilon of further advancing the art of music, music education, scholarship, and grants to local music schools, colleges, universities, and musical organizations in the South Bay are of Los Angeles.
Neeltje Gingerich was installed as the first president of the chapter. The first scrapbook of that features news clippings, photo of the installing officers and many congratulatory notes. A number of the charter members were members of the Golden Triangle.
At present there are over 55 members who range in ages from 25 to 80. The chosen professions include conductors, choral conductors, college professors, composers, organists, accompanists, private music teachers, public school music teachers, performers as soloists and in chamber music, a ministers, and writers.
The Chapter has counted among its members Frances Steiner who holds the distinction of being the first woman to conduct an orchestra at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (Los Angeles County Music Center) in 1977. In 1998 she won the prestigious Elizabeth Mathias Award.
Member David Champion and Marshall Bialosky were among the first male members of the fraternity. Both were also instrumental in activating the Gamma Sigma Chapter at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
The Chapter has also had members serve on both the Mu Phi Epislon Foundation Board and International Executive Office. Among them are Eva Brundin, David Champion, Lenita McCallum, and Ruth Cuccia.
The Chapter also includes ACME (Artists, Composers, Musicologists, and Educators) members Lenita McCallum, Joanna Nachef, and Anli Lin Tong.
The Chapter is actively involved in local philanthropy to advance music at levels. The Chapter gives scholarships with the help of Patron contributions and grants to local public schools and organizations. For the 2016-2017 fiscal year the chapter donated a total of $13,107.00 in grants and scholarships.
Neeltje Gingerich was installed as the first president of the chapter. The first scrapbook of that features news clippings, photo of the installing officers and many congratulatory notes. A number of the charter members were members of the Golden Triangle.
At present there are over 55 members who range in ages from 25 to 80. The chosen professions include conductors, choral conductors, college professors, composers, organists, accompanists, private music teachers, public school music teachers, performers as soloists and in chamber music, a ministers, and writers.
The Chapter has counted among its members Frances Steiner who holds the distinction of being the first woman to conduct an orchestra at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (Los Angeles County Music Center) in 1977. In 1998 she won the prestigious Elizabeth Mathias Award.
Member David Champion and Marshall Bialosky were among the first male members of the fraternity. Both were also instrumental in activating the Gamma Sigma Chapter at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
The Chapter has also had members serve on both the Mu Phi Epislon Foundation Board and International Executive Office. Among them are Eva Brundin, David Champion, Lenita McCallum, and Ruth Cuccia.
The Chapter also includes ACME (Artists, Composers, Musicologists, and Educators) members Lenita McCallum, Joanna Nachef, and Anli Lin Tong.
The Chapter is actively involved in local philanthropy to advance music at levels. The Chapter gives scholarships with the help of Patron contributions and grants to local public schools and organizations. For the 2016-2017 fiscal year the chapter donated a total of $13,107.00 in grants and scholarships.